Russell Gardens Wholesale
Russell Gardens Wholesale
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  • Model: HOSLAS

Hosta `Laverne and Shirley', lavender, 30", June-July. MEDIUM-large. Mounds 18"high by 45"wide. Leaves 12"long by 9"wide(16-17vp). Medium gold, glaucous bloom both on top and underneath; lightly wavy, moderately corrugated; broadly ovate. Significantly very thick substance than from its parent. This is a TC sport of H.`Linda Sue' from Mark Zilis, 2009. A good friend, Weber's Rimrock Perennials, Shirley and Todd, gave me their only pot as it begun to go backwards and loose its, "schmeel, schmozzle, something..something,incorporated". You know that tune I'm trying to say! Lenny and Squiggy can sing it!

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