Russell Gardens Wholesale
Russell Gardens Wholesale
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Monardella macrantha `Marian Simpson', bright red, 3-4", June-August. Small, egg-shaped leaves form 6-8 clumps in the ROCK GARDEN! During the SUMMER(not hardy past zone7), but! if you put in a container, trough, "hyper-tuffa". Long, tubular(like a trumpet!), flowers arise and "show their bloom" for all Humming-a-little-tune Hummmingbirds! If you are FAST ENOUGH to CATCH THIS ON CAMERA, "I wanna COPY". As long as we can keep "this puppy" in the barn we'll "give ya a piece". Here's a botanic take on this species as described by the Denver Botanic gardens where it is a specimen plant: Intensley aromatic herb from the mountains of California. Low, tight mounds of semi-evergreen foliage. Exotic looking clusters of brilliant, scarlet-orange trumpets. protect from summer heat and protect over the winter below 6(DBG lists this at zone5b!). Clay, loam or sandy soil. Part-shade, part-sun. Selection with imprived flowers by Ed Sampson, Sun Crest Gardens and the Mourning Cloak Ranch and Botanical Garden in Tehachapi, CA. "Hummingbird Cayote Mint", "Hummingbird Trumpet Mint"

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