Russell Gardens Wholesale
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Allium tuberosum `Cha Cha', this is a "Miniature Walking Onion". Excellent use as chives where ever you want, salads, sauté, hash browns, mashed potatoes, eggs in the morning, egg in the afternoon, and egg at night. These form small bublits at their ends and fall over and root in! Wha-la, 10 more "Cha-Cha's"! I know let's call this the "Dancing Chive"! Introduced by W.Atlee Burpee & Co. in 2013 from their Cook's Garden list. The false inflorescens is filled with mini green chive leaves. The entire plant is edible having the common chivy-oniony taste/flavor. This is the "gourmet" of all "gourmets"! Put the entire mini-chive head on top of salads to creats a "stir" amongst your guests. Wanna really get them chaterring? Cut the stms and display the miniature clump-heads in a small dish-bowl that they can pick a head out if they choose and put on whatever course your having that evening/day! The "coolest" herb to come along as of this 2016 writing.

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