Product Image | Item Name- |
ac.stricta Hello Spring!Calamagrostis x acutiflora var. stricta `Hello Spring!(tm), cream aging to white variegated/striped leaves. Crisp mounds of stiffer leaves, crisp... |
ANDROPOGON gerardiiAndropogon gerardii, inflorescens opening red and turning darker, 5-8'(ft!), August-October. This is the tallest of the genus. Very upright and... |
CALAMAGROSTIS ac.stricta AVALANCHECalamagrostis acutiflora stricta `Avalanche', wide, white-centered striped form. Wheat-colored inflorescens, 32-48", August-November. zone5 "Feather... |
CALAMAGROSTIS ac.stricta ELDORADOCalamagrostis acuticflora stricta `Eldorado', gold-yellow centered striped variegated form. Brown inflorescens, 32-48", August-November. zone5... |
CALAMAGROSTIS ac.stricta KARL FOERSTERCalamagrostis acutiflora `Karl Foerster', purplish-brown wheat shaped inflorescens, 48-50", June-October. The most care-free ornamental grass. Deep... |
CAREX appalachiaCarex appalachia, long thin leaves which resemble unkept hair contrast well with course-leaved plants.Thin, wiry inflorescens reach above the clump... |
CAREX BEATLEMANIACarex caryophyllea `Beatlemania', small clumps of arching, mopped narrow grass-like, dark green leaves with deep yellow-gold margins. This is a... |
CAREX dol.GOLD FOUNTAINSCarex dolichostachya `Gold Fountains'(`Kaga Nishiki'), finely gold-variegated leaves, 12-18". Arching mounds to 24"wide. Lond-lived and durable.... |
CAREX eburneaCarex eburnia, thin, pencil-lead thin foliage with a stiff texture and feel to it, 8-10" with whitish-green spikelits higher to 15" in April-June.... |
CAREX firma VARIEGATACarex firma `Variegata', white edged MINI(super "Mini-me!" C.morrowii. Staff EVERGREEN clumps, maybe 12-15"wide after 10years! The best thing going... |
CAREX flaccospermaCarex flaccosperma, loose tussocks of glaucous blue-green leaves 1/2"wide.Basal leaves last throughout the winter so this is essentially evergreen if... |
CAREX gl.BLUE ZINGERCarex flacca(glauca) `Blue Zinger', steel blue leaves 6-15"tall. Blackish spikelits in June. Attracvtively patch forming to 12-18"wide. Very clean.... |
CAREX grayiiCarex grayii, light green seed-heads(flowers)shaped like maces(stars),18-28" hight. The leaves are stiff and reach as high as the spikelits and some... |
CAREX lux. BUNNY BLUECarex luxiculmia `Bunny Blue', strong growing clump former, and a good naturalizer from Bob and Lisa Head at Silvery foliage that is... |
CAREX mor.ICE DANCECarex morrowii `Ice Dance', thick leathery leaves 18"high with strong cream-white margin. Appears as a look-a-like for variegated liriope. Much... |
CAREX mus.OEHMECarex muskingumensis `Oehme', Narrow, tapered leaves radiate frm lax stems growing to 24"tall. This selection comes from Wolfgang Oehme's garden,... |
CAREX nigra VARIEGATACarex nigra `Variegata', darker green stripe makes for the variegation on this. Great groundcover sedge. Stand up to both sun and shade and all soil... |
CAREX osh.EVERILLO(pp#21002)Carex oshimensis `Everillo', golden yellow cascading leaves, 18-22". Spikelets for flowers. Grown for its dramatic effect for the shade, part-shade... |
CAREX pennsylvanicaCarex pensylvanica, thin leaved, clump forming sedge only getting 8-12" tall and arching. Dense clumps can be formed. Often used as a lawn substitute... |
CAREX plantagineaCarex plantaginea, broad leaved sedge 1 1/8"wide, shinygreen, with prominent parallel veins. Forms low mounds to 20"wide. Needs regular moisture and... |