Product Image | Item Name- |
alternifoliaBuddleia alternifolia, lavender, 10-15'(ft!), August-November. First the name:alternate leaves!(alternifolia). The the flowers!: super long, 12-30"... |
d.BLACK KNIGHT(gallon)Buddleia davidii `Black Knight', deep, deep purple, 48-72", August-November. The darkest of the butterfly bushes and because most nectar seekers like... |
d.CANDY PINK(Buzz)(gallon)Buddleia davidii `Candy Pink'Buzz(tm), cotton candy pink, 30-40", June-Setpember. Pink is a butterfly favorites and pink seems to always have the... |
d.DISTANT CASTLEBuddleia davidii `Distant Castle', purple, 6-9'(ft!), August-October. HUMONGEOUS cones to 3ft long! This is an original from Quakin' Grass Nursery,... |
d.ELLEN'S BLUEBuddleia davidii `Ellen's Blue', bright blue, 50-72", August-November. The true bluest of all the blues I've seen! And super fragrant, fat cones.... |
d.EVIL WAYSBuddleia davidii `Evil Ways', purple-black, 48-70"+, August-Octovber. Chartreuse-golden foliage!! with near BLACK cones!! Wowzer! First the contrast... |
d.HOT RASPBERRY(Buzz)Buddleia davidii `Hot Raspberry'Buzz(tm), bright royal raspberry red, 30-40", July-September. Excellent form. These newer selections are compact and... |
d.IVORY(Buzz)Buddleia `Ivory'Buzz(tm), white, 30-40", June-September. A clear white with short, fat cones. Not the long, langy ones of the once `White Profusion'.... |
d.LOCHINCHBuddleia davidii `Lochinch', blue, 48-56", July-October. Very silvery-bluish foliage sets this aside from the others. In fact, I have not yet seen... |
d.MISS RUBYBuddleia davidii `Miss Ruby', striking ruby red, 40-50", July-September. A compact form topping out at only 5ft. Heavy bloomer. Smaller to medium... |
d.PINK DELIGHT(gallon)Buddleia davidii `Pink Delight', pink, 5-10'(ft), July-September. |
d.ROYAL RED(gallon) |
d.SUMMER BEAUTYBuddleia davidii `Summer Beauty', pink,48-54", August-October. Fatter cones than normal bring on the butterflies in masses. zone 5 |
d.TWILIGHTBuddleia davidii `Twilight', soft, dark purple, 50-70", August-November. A great color selected by Mountain Valley Growers in 1998. Not as dark... |
d.WISTERIA LANE(gallon)Buddleia x davidii `Wisteria Lane', lavender, 22-24", August-November. Good, good, good! A friend told me about this. The word wisteria threw me for... |
lindleyanaBuddleia lindleyana, lavender, 72", August-September. Shiny leaves with pendulous flowers up to 24" long! A clone selected from 30ft specimans in the... |
nanho BLUE (gallon)Lilac-blue, 48-60" (4-5ft), August-October. This is one of the originals and is a spectacular performer! Grey-green leaves, kinda airy, but not when... |
pikei HEVER CASTLEBuddleia x pikei `Hever Castle', lilac-pink, 50-72", August-November. Arching habit similar to it's parent B. alternifolia. Very fragrant. Blooms... |
x weyeriana BICOLORBuddleia davidii `Bicolor', lavender-pink with yellow eyes or lavender-blue with yellow eyes!, 60-90"(5-8ft!), August-November. SPECTACULAR! The... |
x weyeriana HONEYCOMB(gallon) |