Product Image | Item Name- |
DILL AMBROSIAAnethum graveolens `Ambrosia'. Amazingly FRAGRANT variety! What's this mean? The PRIME choice for picking and salads, and especially cucumber-dill... |
DILL FERNLEAFDwarf variety growing to 18". Produces an abundant supply of dark green finely cut foliage with excellent flavor. Good container plant. |
DILL GREEN SLEEVESAnethum graveolens `Green Sleeves'. Hey ya got any "blow".Oh,auh,no.But here, use my sleeve! Better yet!, here have some `Green Sleeves'! Otto, that... |
DILL MONIAAnethum graveolens `Monia'.New intro from Richters 2010!:Sturdy compact variety. Shorter uniform plants are EASIER to HARVEST for FRESH MARKET!Dark... |
DILL MT. ADAMSAnethum graveolens `Mt. Adams'. This we're going to grow for its seed and flower production! You can still use it for its leaves but there are... |
DILL(2010 of year)Anethum graveolens.A hardy annual with a tall, graceful habit to 3-5ft resembling fennel. Yellow-green to white flowers in umbels from summer to... |