Product Image | Item Name- |
bicolorSolidago bicolor, white, creamy white to yellowish, 22-24", August-October. The only "Goldenrod" in the eastern United States with white rays! The... |
caesiaSolidago caesia, yellow, 24-36", August-September. This produces elegant, wand-shaped flowerheads atop slender, wiry, purplish stems with blue-green,... |
flexicaulisSolidago flexicaulis, yellow, 24-36", August-September. A couple of distinguishing feature are 1st:the stems are crooked(zig-zag)up to a 45degree... |
graminifoliaSolidago graminifolia,yellow,24-48",July-October.Fine-textured linear foliage and flat topped inflorescens.Thrives in moist... |
LITTLE LEMONSolidago `Little Lemon', yellow, 14-16", August-October. An unbelieveably short and compact goldenrod. Finally one that can be enjoyed in your front... |
odoraSolidago odora, yellow, 24-50", July-September. Upright, clumping, glossy ANISE SCENTEED foliage!. Leaves are alternate and narrowly lanceolate.... |
ohioensisSolidago ohiensis. yellow, 36", July-September. Dense umbels. Attractive folige. Leaves are long, smooth, glossy and form thick clumps. The flowers... |
puberulaSolidago puberula, yellow, 39", September-November. RARE in the trade! It's NATIVE! It's S.puberula(you kinda wanna just say it fast, "puberella",... |
rigida GOLDEN ROCKETSSolidago rigida ssp.humilis `Golden Rockets', yellow, 24", July-September. A seed selection introduced in 2016 by Jelitto Seeds, Germany. Staying... |
rigida(gallon)Solidago rigida, yellow, 36-40", September-November. White basal, leathery, glaucous-green eaves. Super STIFF stems! |
rugosa FIREWORKS |
sempervirensSolidago sempervirens,bright yellow,12-54"!(1-5ft),July-November.Succulent-leaves salt-marsh Goldenrod with arching branches that bear one-sided... |
shortii SOLAR CASCADESolidago shortii `Solar Cascade', golden-yellow,24-30", August-October. This selection exhibits a "cascading" habit(really?and maybe the Solar power... |
tenuifoliaSolidago tenuifolia, yellow,12-24",August-October.Grass-like leaves with tiny resin dots and only one rib or vein.Flowers are in clusters atop loose... |