Product Image | Item Name- |
elegansLiatris elegans, lavender-pink, 20-28", July-September. Tightly packed along upright and arching stems are star shaped flowers. Considered to be one... |
ligulistylisLiatris ligulistylis, rose-purple, 28", July-September. Individual, fluffy buttons on their own tiny stem distinguishes this from many others. For... |
microcephalaLiatris microcephala, violet-purple, 12-16", July-September. The shortest of the "Blazing Stars" but not lacking in any pollinator strength. The 1st... |
pycnostachyaLiatris pycnostachya, rose-purple, 48", July-September. The tallest of the "Blazing Stars". In fact, if you try and star gaze near a meadow in its... |
s.FLORISTAN WHITELiatris spicata `Alba'(Floristan White), white, 30", July-August. A million spikes of a million button flowers packed on long stems. |
scariosaLiatris scariosa, purple-lavender, 40"+, July. Individual buttons along long stems. NATIVE. zone3 |
spicata KOBOLDLiatris spicata `Kobold', purple, 20-30", June-August. Clump forming from corms that set more corms each year until you 100 flower spikes and 100... |
spicata`Rosea'Liatris spicata(`Rosea',`Floristan Violet'), rose-purple, 30", July. "Spike Gayfeather" One of the MOST butterfly attracting perennials in the United... |
squarrosaLiatris squarrosa, rosey-purple, 24-28", July-September. A very showy "Blazing Star" with the flowers appearing in single heads, widely spaced, along... |