Product Image | Item Name- |
CYRUS(OS!)Hosta `Cyrus', Land of The Giants 8 Jun 2018 |
DANCE WITH MEHosta `Dance With Me', pale lavender, 24", July-August. MEDIUM. Mounds 16-20"high by 36-40"wide. Leaves 7-9.5"long by 8-7.5"wide(10-12vp).... |
DANCING MOUSEHosta `Dancing Mouse', purple-blue, 10", June-July. MINI. Mouse Ears Collection. Mounds 6"high by 10"wide. Thick leaves emerge blue, very wavy, with... |
DANCING QUEEN(HoY 2020)Hosta `Dancing Queen', pale lavender, 38", July-August. MEDIUM-large. Mounds 18"high by 30"wide. Leaves 13"long by 7"wide. Neatly rippled, yellow to... |
DARK SHADOWSHosta `Dark Shadows', lavender, 27-32", June-July. MEDIUM. Mounds 11-20"high by 43"wide. Leaves 11"long by 7.5"wide(12vp); dark green center with... |
DARK SIDE OF THE MOON(OS!x100!)*Not For Sale*Hosta `Dark Side Of The Moon', deep purple, 20", July-August. SMALL. Mounds 8" high by 12" wide. Leave 4" long by 3" wide, round, chartreuse all... |
DARK STAR(OS!)Hosta `Dark Star', OS from Bali-Hai 8 Feb'18 |
DAVEHosta `Dave'(Chopko), SMALL to Medium. Mounds 12"high by 18"wide. Leaves 6"long by 4.5"wide(12vp); golden-yellow, chartreuse margin, slightly... |
DAWN(OS!!x10)Hosta `Dawn', PURPLE!, 12-15", July-August. SMALL. Mounds 10" high by 27" wide. Leaves 6-7" long by 4-5" wide(4vp); Yellow-golden, GREAT GROWTH... |
DAY'S ENDHosta `Day's End', purple, 24-36", July-August. LARGE-huge. Mounds 26"high by 70"wide! Leaves 15"long by 11"wide(15-17vp); medium green, thin... |
DEEP SPACE NINEHosta `Deep Space Nine', lavender, 30-36", July-August. LARGE. Mounds 20"high by 42"wide. Leaves 8.50"long by 7"wide(9-11vp);green with yellow... |
DEVON BLUEHosta `Devon Blue', lavender, 28", July. MEDIUM. Very blue foliage in spring and barley seasoning to a blue-green by summer! Mounds 13" high by... |
DEW DROP(OS!)Hosta `Dew Drop', Van Wade July 2017 |
DIAMONDS are FOREVERHosta `Diamonds are Forever', lavender, 16-22", June-July. SMALL-medium. Mounds 10"high by 16"wide. Leaves 4 1/2"long by 3 1/2"wide(6-7vp); PURE... |
DINKY DONNAHosta `Dinky Donna', lavender, 11-12", July-August SMALL-MINI. Mounds 7-8" high by 13-14" wide. Leaves 3-4" long by 2-4" wide(8vp); VERY SLOW GROWTH... |
DIXIE CHICKADEEHosta `Dixie Chickadee', purple, 14", August-September. SMALL. Mounds 6"high by 12"wide of shiny, yellow to white centered foliage misted with green... |
DIXIE CUPSHosta `Dixie Cups', from Uniquely during AHS Convention 2018, 23 June 2018 |
DOUBLE D CUPHosta `Double D Cup', near white, 26-32", June-July. LARGE. Mounds 20"high by 42"wide. Leaves 10"long by 8"wide(12vp); 'nough said so far. Just keep... |
DOUBLED UP plantagineaHosta `Doubled Up', DOUBLE pure WHITE, 22-24", June-August. LARGE-MEDIUM. Mounds 20" high by 24" wide. Leaves 8" long by 6 1/2" wide(6-8vp); Sport of... |
DRAGON TAILSHosta `Dragon Tails', medium purple, 17", July-August. SMALL. Mounds 8" high by 21" wide. Leaves 8-9" long by 3-4"wide(4vp); Narrow, GOLDEN to BRIGHT... |