Product Image | Item Name- |
SCIRPUS atrovirens(gallon)Scirpus atrovirens, 36", spikelits in June-September. A rush for sunny moist or wet areas. Plants can thrive in 1 foot of water. Spreads into... |
SESLERIA argenteaSesleria argentea, inflorescence a panicle with flowering spikelets at their ends, 16-20", June-November. Loosely clumped grass with green, narrow,... |
SORGHASTRUM nutansSorghastrum nutans `Indian Steel', tan-colored spikes, 35-59", August-October. Thick clumps of steely blue-green leaves with long narrow panicles.... |
SPARTINA patensSpartina patens, a species of "Cordgrass" NATIVE to the Atalnic(east) coast. From Negoundland soouth along the eastern United States to the Caribbean... |
SPODIOPOGON sibiricusSpodiopogon sibiricus, brownish inflorescens, 36-48", July thru February! Panicles resemble those of a Panicum although wider, 3-4"wide, 8-12"long.... |
SPOROBOLUS heterolepisSporobolus heterolepis, threadlike leaves producing dense mounds 15"tall. Summer color is a glossy green, medium green and in early October the... |
STIPA ten.PONYTAILSStipa tenuissima `Ponytails', fine needle-thin grassy clumps to 20"high. White, beautiful pony-tail shaped flowers just above the foliage in... |