Product Image | Item Name- |
CAREX platyphyllaCarex platyphylla, clump forming with powder-blue broad leaves, up to an inch wide or more. Slowly spreads to form a textured groundcover in shady,... |
CAREX sid.ISLAND BROCADECarex siderosticha `Island Brocade', striped broad-leafed sedge with clear white stripes especially towards the margins. Patch forming by slowly... |
CAREX strictaCarex stricta, 20-28". Dense tussocks raised above water surfaces, accumulating old leaves around the base(this is part of the effect that IS... |
CHASMANTHIUM latifoliumChasmanthium latifolium, clusters of drooping sea-oat heads dangling above green bamboo-like leaves(NOT BAMBOO!). Seed heads turn a coppery-orange in... |
DESCHAMPSIA c.GOLDTAUDeschampsia caespitosa `Goldtau', inflorescens open yellow-green and the whole clump has nice fall color. Super dense mounds of grass-like foliage... |
DESCHAMPSIA caespitosaDeschampsia caespitosa, Dark green foliage in dense clumps 12-24"tall. Inflorescences create a cloudlike appearance. Clump forming and tufted.... |
DESCHAMPSIA flexuosaDeschampsia flexuosa, densely tufted and similar to D.cespitosa but SMALLER in all its parts. Usually less than 24" tall. The inflorescences are... |
ERAGROSTIS spectabilisEragrostis spectabilis, tons of fine-textured flower panicles that appear like reddish purple clouds hovering just above ground level. The foliage is... |
ERIANTHUS RAVENNAE 1gallonErianthus ravennae, grey-green leaves to 36"high and inflorescences to 20'(ft)high! This is HUGE as a specimen. |
FESTUCA glauca ELIJAH BLUE(gallon)Festuca glauca `Elijah Blue', blue mounds 12"high with wheat colored flower spikes to 18-20"high. "Blue Fescue" |
grayi NEW MOON MIGHTY(gallon)Carex grayi `New Moon Mighty', 24"+, May-October as the flowers persist and remain on the plant until you say so. A more robust and aggressive... |
HAKONECHLOA macraHakonechloa macra, all green form. |
HAKONECHLOA macra AUREAhakonechloa macra `Aureola', yellow striped, arching foliage to 20"high and mushroom mounds to 36" wide. |
IMPERATA cy.rubra RED BARONImperata cylindrical `Rubra', red tipped grass blades 12-18"high. Slowly creeping rhizomes can form large patches over time. "Japanese Blood Grass" |
LEYMUS a.BLUE DUNELymus arenarius `Blue Dune', 30" inflorescens atop 20" bright blue vigorously patch forming leaf blades. |
MICS. s.GOLD BREEZE(pp#22311)Miscanthus sinensis `Gold Breeze', copper-brown, 5-7'(ft!), August-November. A selection from Joy Creek Nursery, Oregon with heavily striped yellow,... |
MISC. s.GRACILLIMUS(gallon)Miscanthus sinensis `Gracillimus', wheat colored, 54-70", July-November. |
MISC. s.MORNING LIGHT(gallon)Miscanthus sinensis `Morning Light', white striped grass to 48"high and inflorescences 50"high just above the foliage. Versatile in all its uses.... |
MISC. s.PURPURESCENS(gallon)Miscanthus sinensis `Purpurascens', green foliage progresses thru the season acquiring a red leaf color. Foliage to 48" and flowers to 60". "Purple... |
MISC. s.STRICTUS(gallon)Miscanthus sinensis `Strictus', strictly upright form of M.`Zebrinus'. Yellow horizontal stripes. Can reach to 9'(ft)tall although in our area... |