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  • Model: AMSGEP

Amsonia ciliata var. filifolia `Georgia Pancake', pale blue, 4-10" high, May. Totally against any Amsonia regularities and soon to be its own species! Discovered ba a native plant "Guru"?(I know there's "guru's out there, BUT WHAT MAKES ONE be given the "title"?), Bob McC(no, not the McBoreroom meeting type)Bob McCartney, and no, not Sir James Paul McCartney either! reportedly DISCOVERED THE DIFFERENCES growing in the sandhills habitat(of humanity and global climates, not yet changed) in central Georgis USA, not Russia. Tony expands on this discovery by detailing it as found in Georgia's WheelerCounty, and after the last election, we KNOW county's mean the DIFFERENCE! in findings! Then he adds to the new species as "ecotype"!(Why not EcoGlobalHabitat? rather than a "warming"). This/My description is simply a "warming" of sorts wen(when) I do get one and propagate it for you. Then we have saved the ECO-type! Anyways! this only gets 10"high at most/best but tends to spread into a patch 24"wide! A lot of A.tenuifolia's patch but sometimes vigorously. A.`Campbell Carpet' is a well controlled one. A.`Georgia Pancake"(WHoo named this?)is prostrate, spreading, needle-like foliage(A.hubrectii), smaller(tiny)very pale flowers that in pictures appear white but is really pale -blue(Crayola Periwinkle-blue). AND!, WEATHER PERMITTING! the foliage turns incredible shades of yellow and orange as A.hubrectii. Amsonia ciliate is NATIVE from North Carolina to Florida west to Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. The variety filicifolia is NATIVE from southern Missouri to Florida and Texas and into Mexico. SO how did this come to Georgia? Although found in the "sandhills", is my reasoning for its stature and habit. Stock from Plant Delights when available 26 Oct'21.

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