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ANISE pimpinella

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  • Model: HERBANISE

Pimpinella anisum. Bothe leaves and seeds are used. A delicious sweet liquorice-like flavor is imparted. Best know for flavouring liqeurs such as anisette, ouzo, absinthe and Sambuca. Anise seed has traditionally been valued for its ability to calm nervous stomachs and aid digestion. Ground seed is used in confectionarly goods including pfeffnusse, springerle, and BISCOTTI! Fresh chopped leaves are appealing in soups, sauces, and salads. Anise is an aphrodisiac. Drinks containing oil of anise remain transparent until water is added, causing the oil to "bloom" in a milky white or pale green clouds called louche. Absinthe is the most famous anise-flavored drink, and during the 19th century it was the favourite drink of Dega, Picasso, Van Gogh, and Wilde. Anise is an annual herb. 12-16"high, umbel flowers in corymbs, white. Blloms in May, seeds ripen by August-September. Sandy and medium soils, well-drained. Will not grow in shade. Prefers dry and moist soils.zone8

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