Russell Gardens Wholesale
Russell Gardens Wholesale
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  • Model: BUDALT

Buddleia alternifolia, lavender, 10-15'(ft!), August-November. First the name:alternate leaves!(alternifolia). The the flowers!: super long, 12-30" long flowering spikes that "weep"! Call it what you may but a few ideas to "imagine all the plants" as one is a "Weeping Willow" tree look-a-like?, Woodlanders(where our stock comes from)calls it a "Purple Waterfall"!(I like this one!). Can be pruned after flowering as it's best blooms come from new growth. It can grow quite robust so each year you prune it you're keeping nice and compact, full, super floriferous, and headed to a maximum specimen that will "ooo and aahh" the whole neighborhood! Sun, good drainage. zone5 "Alternate-leaf Butterfly Bush", "Weeping Butterfly Bush"

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