Russell Gardens Wholesale
Russell Gardens Wholesale
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Petroselinum crispum `Einfache Schnitt 3'. "Flat Leaf Italian Sweet". From Germany also comes this AWESOME "Easy Cut"(oops, that is the translation to Einfache Schnitt)! A form isolated for its UPRIGHT growth habit(easy to cut), and from a growing "in-a-pot"(better than "a hole") ROT RESITANCE! in a POT! So, why do we liiiiike-it, BETTER than Mickey? We can grow it ALL WINTER, spring, SUMMER! and fall! Adaptive Seeds, Sweet Home, Oregon. The variety used in the Open Oak Farm CSA(and soon to be offered at RGW's "high tunnel Community Project")Seed sourced from Bingenheimer Saatgut, the German BIODYNAMIC SEED Company.

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