Russell Gardens Wholesale
Russell Gardens Wholesale
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  • Model: HOSGME

Hosta `Green Mouse Ears', pale purple, 6-8", June-July. MINI-small. Mounds 5"high by 9"wide. Leaves 2.75"long by 2"wide(very rotund)(8-9vp). Medium green to dark green, SUPER-thick leaves as from its parent `Blue Mouse Ears'. Glaucous underside bloom on leaf, slightly cupped, very round(remember rotund?). Short, stubby flower scapes with flowers packed on.(2004,E.Deckert) This by itself may not be that exciting but if you're into the "mouse" collection and soe others in a trough along with this one, it makes cause to notice! Now if you are collecting them and have them in the garden set aside by themselves, as some "nutty collectors" do then this sneaky "Green Mouse" doesn't get away from being noticed! We has a "mouse trap collection" in a strawberry-like planter and it made everyone that stopped by the farm notice! Until they saw some of them priced at $180.00!(`Royal Mouse Ears', `Streaked mouse Ears' and our once `Mouse In White Satin" sport we found but has since been lost to the "sooner or later gonna getch-ya" `Mouse Trap'!) Inventory for Phifty in Philly 2018 will be 7 pots fully mature, tc, redivided. RARE any more! No one "thinks" of the GREEN ONE! This is the 2nd, probably the 1st in the collection. GREEN, BLUE, MOUSE IN WHITE SATIN?

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