Russell Gardens Wholesale
Russell Gardens Wholesale
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  • Model: HOSUND

Hosta `Undertow', lavender, 22", August-September. MEDIUM. From a very good friend, Charlie Seaver, via a Delaware Valley Hosta Society auction, is his cross of H.`Don Quixote' (pod parent)x H.` Sea Octopus' (pollen parent). Leaves get to a crazy 7" long by 2 1/2" wide (6vp). Mounds 10" high by 30"wide. The mounds would be higher but the crazy leaves, which by the way are green centered with a wider than usual white margin, curve backward, and have a bright red base. Hence the "undertow"! You could literally grow this in, say a 10"pot, put it on a pedestal and the leaves would fall down covering the pot! The best thing about trying to get your hands on a piece of this is you won't need a life jacket! (2012 C.Seaver)Good inventory for 2018! A bummer here in PA as we have had more than average "undertow" images. Rather our super friendly neighbor, NJ! 1 out of 3 made it! And now the Engineers that I used to be a member of? are being "chewed" out for "re-starting the beach"! Charlie had set aside this super curling backward without any of this in mind as he named it. he named it for curling enough to cover the pot you were growing it in! So it "undertowed" it's "growing space".

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