Russell Gardens Wholesale
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salicifolious "orygalis"(gallon)

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  • Model: HELIOR4

Helianthus salicifolious "orygalis", yellow, 5 feet 9 inches! and then some, to 7 feet!, no fall(flop! or bend-over after rain, storm, tornado, tropical storm!) Is this the ULTIMATE "Sunflower" or WHaat?! Here's what ISSIMA SAYS: Confusingly named German selection (like a Kristal Weizen) from Canadian plantsman Philippe Levesque. Orygalis is an older species names for what is now H.salicifolious. Philippe obtained this plant under the old name, though is WAS CLEARLY NOT the species as described under either name. THIS is more upright, broader foliage, super MORE, MUCH taller. Mesmerizing, like an Orygalis from the swamps! Like BIGFOOT in disguise! But, well, Darrell. zone4! Sun, sun, and more sun! Tons of water all summer! From ISSIMA Plants 6/16/20. Thanks, Taylor and...

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