Russell Gardens Wholesale
Russell Gardens Wholesale
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Pelargonium x fragrans `Fringed Apple'. Fruit Scented. The deepest lobed leaves of the Apples. Delicious apple scent. A great culinary addition for pastries, scones, cakes, and cookies. Even sprinkle on ice-cream. Soft to the touch leaves! They should feel like velvet! They have a grey-green cast. But MAINLY the leaves are quite dissected! (cut deeply and lobed, definite APPLE aroma!not to be EVER confused with any look-a-likes(Nutmeg, Apple Cider, Pine, and a needle-in-my-eye!)The subtle difference between same-named "selections" are true and some not. There's Apple, Apple Cider, Apple Fringed, and one called BIG APPLE! HUGE leaves to 8-10" across in the SUMMER GARDEN. That's where all the scented thrive the best. Plant them out in spring and dig 'em up in fall! They survive on an enclosed porch!

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