Russell Gardens Wholesale
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"RAMPS"Chives.Allium tricoccum,white,6-20",June-July.The ramp has broad, smooth,light green leaves, often with deep purple or burgundy tints on the lower stems, and scallion-like stalk and bulb. Both the white lower leaf stalks and the broad green leaves are edible. The flower stalks only appear after the leaves have died back. Ramps grow in groups strongly rooted just beneath the surface of the soil. The plant's flavor, a combination of onions and strong garlic, or "fried green onions with a dash of funky feet" in the words of food writer Jane Snow, is adaptable to numerous cooking styles. In central Appalachia, ramps are most commonly fried with potatoes in bacon fat or scramble with eggs and served with bacon, pinto beans and cornbread! Ramps can also be pickled or used in soups and other foods in place of onion and garlic.
3 bunches of RAMPS
1 cup white wine vinegar(I use Red Wine Garlic)
1 cup water(COOR's mountain if available)
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup honey
1 tbs each:coriander seed,mustard seed,black peppercorns,fennel seed(Pickling Mix)
1 dried hot chile pepper(flakes will do AND only if you like the "bite" on your pickle!)
CONCOCT:1.Separate the white and green part of the "Ramp".use the WHITE part for pickling.Use the green part as you would spinach(sautéed,salad,as a bed for grilled shrimp or fish or chicken or pork or steak or...)2.Bring the brine(liquid parts of the pickling mix) to a boil for 1 minute.3.Remove from heat and add the seeds.3.Blanch the ramps in HEAVILY SALTED water for 2 minutes.Drain with ICE-WATER(cold water).4.PUT 'EM ALL IN A MASON JAR AND enjoy!!!The longer thay sit in the frig the picklier they get!!Mmmmmm!

2 lbs RAMPS(trimmed and cleaned,HERE you can use WHITE and GREEN portions)
1/4-1lb bacon. julienned(cut/chopped into small pieces)
MAKE:1.Bring 2 quarts SALTED water to boil and add RAMPS.Cook until tender,about 4 minutes,Drain/rinse in cold water bath.In a skillet cook bacon until crisp.Remove bacon.ADD RAMPS TO BACON FAT/GREASE!!Saute until carmalized.Remove,toss with bacon,fry an egg(or2,or3,or4)pour a glass of wine(oops,orange juice)and enjoy breakfast like a pilgrim!

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